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Legal Best Practice Group for Law Firms

Join our legal best practice group to discuss best practice for risk management, AML, Lexcel, CQS, GDPR & more, in confidence, with your peers. Membership is free of charge.

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About the PDA Legal Best Practice Group

The legal best practice group brings together legal practices of all shapes and sizes, who wish to confidentially discuss and share knowledge of best practice, including compliance with regulation, AML, the GDPR, the Lexcel Standard, CQS, SQM, and in support of managing risk.

Download our flyer to share with your team.

Membership Provides You With Access To:

  • Confidential meetings of around 2 hours, every 6 months

  • Substantial member discounts on PDA Legal’s services

  • Access to our private LinkedIn forum where items can be discussed in confidence

  • Weekly best practice tips, advice and legal sector updates

  • Access to a range of free downloads, checklists, podcasts, and videos

  • Attendance certification to augment your competence, training and development portfolio

Membership is free, and by invitation only. We welcome requests to join.

Who Attends the Legal BPG Sessions?

Each firm has the opportunity for up to two people (typically Partners/Directors, Compliance Managers or HR Managers) to attend each session.

Where Does the Legal BGP Meet?

We run the sessions live, online and in-person around the UK.

The membership groups meet in dedicated sessions, of around 2 hours, every six months.

Who Decides What Topics the Sessions Will Cover?

That's easy; you do!

The content of each session is decided upon, in advance, by the members themselves. Sessions are 'structured discussions' led by our facilitators.

At every session we also include a dedicated segment on Lexcel, where we spotlight news from the Law Society, current topics and trends, insight from assessors and analysis of hotspots of the Lexcel standard.

What Have BPG Sessions Covered Recently?

  • Compliance with the 2019 SRA Code (and juxtaposed with Lexcel)

  • Supervision during hybrid working

  • Data protection and InfoSec

  • Balancing compliance work with fee earning

  • AML systems

  • SRA audits and visits

  • Financial growth

‘Extraordinary’ Sessions

From time to time, something really big looms on the horizon that will have a significant impact on legal practices. AML visits, the GDPR, new versions of quality standards; In such situations we can hold an ‘extraordinary session’ to bring members up to speed with latest insight.

Especially Useful for Lexcel Practices

The BPG is for legal practices, whether or not they have Lexcel accreditation. But, firms that have Lexcel or that are considering Lexcel accreditation will find BPG membership to be very useful indeed!

Augmenting Your Training and Development Evidence Portfolio

Members receive a certificate after each BPG session that they attend.

Who Are the Facilitators/Founders?

Neil Partridge, Operations Director at PDA Legal

If These Sessions Are Run for Free, Surely There Must Be a Catch!

No, there's none. Really.

We review the cost situation, usually every January. Subject to the outcome of the review, it is our genuine intention to continue to keep Membership to the regular free of charge. And no, we don't 'harvest' personal data, either.

What About Confidentiality?

Members are not obliged to talk about anything they don't want to.

To encourage openness of discussion, confidentiality is at the heart of the conduct of the Group. We ask all members to comply with the Chatham House Rule, both during the sessions and the private LinkedIn group.

What Our Clients Have to Say…

“The structure was great and allowed for lots of discussion.”
“A fantastic session which I feel privileged to be part of.”
“Excellent forum - much needed.”
“It covered the topics in an informative, interesting and engaging way.”
“Very useful to meet and hear the views of others.”
    Get in touch for a free no obligation quote today
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